Tuesday, February 26, 2013

FileMaker Pro vs Access Update

I am working on a second tutorial for the eBook I am writing about using spreadsheets and databases for data analysis.  The FileMaker Pro database I have created has only two tables and four layouts, but it is over 500 MB in file size.  The comparisons I have thus far are:

  • Access allows you to easily format text as zip codes and phone numbers, but FileMaker Pro does not
  • Access allows you to do a Compact and Repair, but FileMaker does not have that feature in the menu
  • Creating a button to open a URL was very easy with FileMaker
  • Creating list features with Value Lists in FileMaker is child's play - so easy!
  • FileMaker Pro works on the Mac and Windows computers and provides a 30-day free preview, but Access works only on Windows computers
  • After you create a database with FileMaker Pro, you can sync it to your iPad or iPhone FileMake Go app.  Once it is synced, you can edit the database and enter data (a real plus!).  FileMaker Pro has settings for themes that work best on the iPad and iPhone.
  • Calculating an age is more complex calculation in FileMaker (although may be more accurate) than using Access.
  • If/then and other mathematical calculations are basically the same in both database software packages.


  1. >Access allows you to do a Compact and Repair, but FileMaker does not have that feature in the menu

    Check again the menu, you'll find the two possibilities : Save as ... (compacted) and recover.
