Sunday, February 5, 2012

Endnote and Word 2011 Problem/Solution

When I got the iOS upgraded to Lion a couple of weeks ago, Microsoft Office 2011 was also installed on the Mac.  I noted that the Endnote citation software was missing from Word.  I remembered that Debby had the same problem, so decided to troubleshoot the problem.  I knew that the problem was Endnote and not Word because when I selected a citation to "preview" in Endnote the style was wrong.  Although I had selected APA as the output in Word - the output in Word was also wrong.  I looked at the APA 6th template in Endnote and it was formatted correctly.  At that point, I closed the program and did some schoolwork for a few hours. 

To resolve the problem:
  • The first step is to close Microsoft Word, if it is open.
  • Next download the Endnote 4X update from 
  • At this point, you might want to close Endnote and reopen it (will explain in a moment).
  • Open Endnote and select the output style (I use APA 6th edition)

The next step is to select the citation style in Word.  The Endnote menu is available from the Tools menu.

I  believe that Endnote may have gotten confused when I did not close it after the update.  Anyway, I am very happy to report that the problem is resolved.   More and more of our nursing students use a Mac.  Since I require the students to use a citation manager and our university has a site license for Endnote - I needed to figure out a solution.


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  2. I was facing same problem when my project manager bought me a mac laptop and our administrator was on leave.It was a kind of emergency that I faced to sort this issue and your blog really saved my life.Thanks for helping.
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  3. You are welcome. That particular blog is one of the most popular (thanks to Google analytics). So glad to hear that it was helpful. If you have any suggestions for new blogs - please share.
