Friday, October 25, 2013

The New MERLOT II (Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching)

Recently, the staff at MERLOT introduced a new website and it is amazing!  Take a few minutes to explore at
A screen shot of the new MERLOT, MERLOT II is below.  

If you are not a member, please join!  Membership is free.  It allows you to collaborate with others who have similar interests, create Personal Collections, and the ability to use the Content Builder.  The Content Builder allows you to build learning resources that are hosted on the MERLOT servers.

Consider adding new learning resources to MERLOT.  Those resources might be something you created or have found on the web created by someone else.

In preparation for the trip to India for the Indian Cancer Congress 2013, we are adding learning content related to India and cancer to MERLOT.