Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Setting Notifications for the Mac Mountain Lion OS, iPhone, and iPod

If you have a Mac computer running Mountain Lion operating system (OS), an Apple mobile device, you probably are familiar with receiving notifications.  However, did you know that you can customize them?

On the Mac, go to the Apple icon in the top left corner of the screen > system preferences > Personal > Notifications.  On a mobile device, click the Settings icon > Notifications.  You can chose a calendar style alert, select which apps you want for notification, whether to show a badge icon (shows number of alerts), and whether to play a sound.  You can also specify the number of notifications that you prefer (1-20).

Kirk McElearn has a very nice article detailing the notification system for Mountain Lion OS at http://www.macworld.com/article/2015473/qanda-mountain-lion-s-notifications.html

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