Thursday, April 19, 2012

iPad Mirroring Using the Reflection App

I decided to purchase Reflection for AirPlay mirroring of the iPad on the Mac desktop since it worked really well on the brief trial yesterday.  Am enclosing a screenshot of the feature that is used to turn it on.  Now I can use video capture to demonstrate iPad features.  What is especially nice is that it does not require me to have an app of the iPad. It will be great to use with face-to-face faculty development workshop meetings.

Reflection does require using the iPad 2 or the New iPad (since they allow mirroring and the iPad1 does not.  It will allow mirroring of the iPhone 4S, but not the older model that I have.

1 comment :

  1. I really wana thank you for providing such informative and qualitative material so often.

