Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Augmented Reality

I am fascinated by the potential of augmented reality (AR).  A couple of weeks ago I attended a presentation where the presenter started showing an iPad/iPhone app using augmented reality. It is more entertaining than pedagogical, but that is okay!  I showed it to some students today and they were amazed! It will be fun to use the app in class as an icebreaker or wake-up strategy.  a video of on the AR figures is shown below.

The app is free - search for String AR and then go to http://www.poweredbystring.com/showcase http://www.poweredbystring.com/showcase for the print targets.  You will need at least a 4generation iPhone or iPad2.  Open the app and then point the camera on the device at one of the four target pictures (either printed out or on the website.  You don't have to be very close to the picture.  The AR figure in the video below is my favorite, followed by the dragon.  You can change the color of the shoe, but only spin it around.  Take a mental break and try out the FUN AR app!

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