Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Apple Pay - Update

Apple Pay is now available for those who have the latest iPhones and iPads.  You need to do the latest system update to access the feature.  Once the update is installed, click on Settings to enter credit card information.  Entering the credit card info is extremely easy - just click the camera icon in the credit card set-up window and hold the camera over the card.  The information is automatically recognized.  If for some reason, it isn't, you can enter the info manually.  Once you are done, the app validates the card information and you probably will receive verification from that credit card company. It took me only a couple of minutes to set up my Apple Pay credit card accounts.

Apple Pay is more secure than using your credit card because it uses NFC (near field communication).  Every time you pay, it generates a unique code that cannot be used again.  That is in contrast to using your credit card where you have that little extra 3 or 4 digit code in addition to the credit card number. 

I found a quick useful article, Apple Pay Do's and Don'ts at http://www.forbes.com/sites/paularosenblum/2014/10/21/apple-pay-dos-and-donts-a-practical-guide/

Another good article about it from CNET, Everything You want to Know About Apple Pay is at http://www.cnet.com/news/everything-you-want-to-know-about-apple-pay/

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