I often follow the Google blog. Yesterday's blog included an wonderful article that celebrated the 30th birthday of the Internet. Vint Cerf, one of the "fathers" of the Internet told the story. Vint Cerf is currently employed by Google to promote and protect the Internet. He shared the story about how he and Robert Kahn developed TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) to "support connection among different packet-switched networks." Go to http://googleblog.blogspot.com/ to read the article.
This blog serves two main purposes. It includes tips on learning using technology, especially as it supports the 5th edition of the textbook, Informatics & Nursing: Opportunities and Challenges, that I authored. The blog also includes tips about informatics strategies that add to the scholarship of nursing and teaching/learning excellence.
I have always dreamed of becoming a nurse and finally got into some nursing schools in PA. It will only take two years for me to become certified. I am so excited and hope other people pursue the same passion because this country needs nurses!