Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cloud Computing

Information technology (IT) continues to rapidly change.  I read a news story on CNET about Microsoft cloud computing this morning.  Linda reminded me that information on cloud computing needs to be included in the 4th edition of our textbook.  That term makes me smile because of a comment from one of the grad students, CM, who said that IT terminology was baffling because it often uses terms we know in very different ways.  Cloud computing is one of those terms.

Cloud computing refers to the ability to use an application that does not reside on your local computer.  This blog is an example.  Other examples include Gmail, Hotmail, Google docs, Zoho Office. Some applications, like Zoho, allow for purchase of selected applications. 

To get a better understanding, you may find it helpful to view a YouTube video, such as http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RMWO9JxZjA&NR=1

and/or visit How Stuff Works at http://communication.howstuffworks.com/cloud-computing.htm

Although cloud computing has been around for several years, many IT gurus suggest that it will be the wave of the future and save money.  Businesses and education should benefit from the use of cloud computing, but certainly, companies would not be in the business of developing cloud computing if it did not mean increased revenues.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good post. Nice information has been given about the cloud computing. By the way i gathered more information about the cloud computing by attending a cloud computing conference it was very much useful for me.

  3. Dylan,

    Thank you so much for sharing that link and posting the comment.
