Sunday, May 11, 2014

8-Steps for Successful APA Formatting

The APA Manual can be intimidating for many.  Just so many nuances!  I have "sticky-notes" on on pages in my APA Manual to make it easy for students to write papers that use APA style. The information is summarized below.
  1. Page 15, Section 1.10 - differentiates the differences between plagiarism and self-plagiarism.
  2. Page 23, Section 2.01 - provides essential information on the title page, abstract, and introduction of the paper.
  3. Page 41 - provide examples of a written paper.
  4. Page 62 - discusses the 5 heading (Remember to use the word processing paragraph heading style to format correctly).
  5. Page 125 - Chapter 5 - this chapter is especially important for students reporting research results as it clarifies how to format figures and tables (Remember to use the word processing table formatting tools to obtain the output).  You can skip this chapter if you are not using figures and tables. 
  6. Page 170, Section 6.+ - discussion quotes, paraphrasing, and permissions.
  7. Page 189 discusses the journal article doi and the importance of using the journal homepage URL when there is no doi.
  8. Page 198, Section 7.01 - provides examples for how to cite references within the text of the document and the associated references in the reference list.

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