Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weebly and SoftChalk Connect

Worked all morning with my friend Laura to finalize our 3-hour pre-conference workshop for the Emerging Technologies for Online Learning International Symposium.  Laura introduced me to a new app, Weebly ( which allows us to create online web pages.  The free version uses the word, weebly, in the URL address.  I has a sharing aspect where others can provide feedback.  There is a subscription version for commercial use.  It is worth exploring.  Would like to hear from others who have used it.

I took the time to explore SoftChalk Connect some more.  SoftChalk Connect is a learning object repository of resources created with the commercial app, SoftChalk.  The unique aspect of the SoftChalk Connect is that users can share with both a URL or imbedded code - so that the apps can be added to the other collections like MERLOT ( and web sites.


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