Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Data Analysis and Extraction Tool - DataFerrett

Chapter 25, Informatics and Research, in the textbook has information on an application called Data Ferrett(Federated Electronic Research, Review, Extration, and Tabulation Tool).  The application is available for the PC and Mac.  The  user first downloads the applet tool from the internet.  Once it is installed it can be used to recode data, analyze public microdata (individual responses), and create customized spreadsheets. 
DataFerrett is used to locate and retrieve the data from the web.  The application is still in beta form and can be downloaded from

The website includes tutorials and videos.  A step-by-step tutorial is available at

To view the video that has an explanation re the use of the application, go to  The screenshot below shows the applet menu.

1 comment :

  1. Hi all,

    The DataFerrett tool is used to search American community survey public use microdata, current Population survey, CPS supplemental surveys, survey of income and program participation. This tool provides easy access to accurate, relevant and timely information that supports learning, facilitates decision-making, empowers individuals and strengthens communities. Thanks for sharing it.....

    Extract Website Content
