Wednesday, September 7, 2011

QR codes in the Georgia College Library

A few weeks ago I was exploring QR codes.  I downloaded the app for my cell phone and iPad.  Then Martha shared the fact that a library was using QR codes to provide additional information about resources.  In the particular example she shared the library used the QR codes as a "where in the world" game.  Just a few minutes ago, I received an email that says QR codes are now available in the Georgia College library.

Am quoting the email below:
"These square symbols are “read” by a QR code reader application (on a smart phone or device) and information is brought to the screen. The library is introducing these codes to provide students and researchers with additional information about the library, to find subject guides, etc. Special Collections is also using QR codes for their displays and exhibits to provide viewers with more insight about the materials."

Hope that the students and faculty appreciate the interactive innovation! 


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