Tuesday, April 20, 2010

PowerPoint Presentation Software Skills List

I invite your feedback on this listing of Presentation software skills (PowerPoint, etc.)
Basic Presentation Skills
* Design a simple presentation
* Apply a template
* Insert a new slide
* Apply the use of different slide layouts
* Use spell-check
* Save a presentation
* Add shapes to a slide
* View a slide show
* Print a presentation

Intermediate Presentation Skills
* Customize the presentation menu
* Create handouts
* Add clip art to slides
* Add SmartArt to slides
* Move and resize objects
* Incorporate multimedia (audio, graphics, animation, and video) into slide design
* Modify multimedia used for presentations
* Demonstrate competency using two presentation software applications
* Save a presentation in file formats for use with other software applications
* Share/collaborate with others on presentation design
* Apply pedagogical principles to presentation design (Purpose, visual clarity, consistency, readability)

Advanced Presentation Skills
* Design on-screen navigation
* Customize presentation toolbars
* Embed/edit a spreadsheet
* Create a macro
* Add slide transitions
* Add slide sections
* Design slide animations
* Demonstrate advance text and graphic editing techniques
* Build custom slide masters
* Build custom handout masters
* Build custom notes masters
* Create a presentation template
* Publish and distribute presentations
* Demonstrate competency using more than two presentation software applications


  1. Under beginner ppt skills you may want to put print slides (slides, slides w/ notes, more than 1 slide per pg).

  2. Very good suggestion. Thank you, Tracy

  3. Jeanne, I would add to the intermediate level Compress photos (right click)to reduce file size.
    Also edit photos/graphics for resolution and fit and for web use before inserting them in presentation.

  4. Linda, Great addition! Thank you, Jeanne

  5. Hi

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    Shivane Kay
