Monday, July 26, 2010

Knowledge Discovery in Databases

Three new resources have been added to the textbook Informatics and Nursing web site at :

July 25, 2010 Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., & Smyth, P. (1996). From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery in Databases. AI Magazine -American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Fall, 37-54. Although old, some very basic information and real world information. It provides a historical perspective given the development of KDD (knowledge discovery in databases) today. (Chapter 10). Retrieved from

July 25, 2010 Health Data Stewardship: What, Why, Who, How: An NCVHS Primer (2009). Contains an excellent table of resources for more information about the topic.
"Health data stewardship is a responsibility, guided by principles and practices, to ensure the knowledgeable and appropriate use of data derived from individuals’ personal health information. These uses include (but are not limited to) data collection, viewing, storage, exchange, aggregation, and analysis." (p. 1)
(Chapter 10).  Retrieved from

July 25, 2010 NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS (2007). Enhanced Protections for Uses of Health Data: A Stewardship Framework for “Secondary Uses” of Electronically Collected and Transmitted Health Data.
The recommendations that are made in this report were guided by the goal of enabling improvements in health and health care, while balancing other needs including the need to: maintain or strengthen individual’s health information privacy while enabling improvements in health and health care, facilitate uses of electronic health information, increase the clarity and uniform understanding of laws and regulations pertaining to privacy and security of health information, build upon existing legislation and regulations whenever possible, and not result in undue administrative burden. (Chapter 10). Available from

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