Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Healthcare.gov on Facebook

Healthcare.gov sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services is now on Facebook.  The resource supports and assists the healthcare consumer to stay informed about the Affordable Healthcare Act.

A quote from the announcement is below.
"HealthCare.gov on Facebook allows people to:
Search for insurance coverage using our “Insurance Finder” tool. The tool asks users to fill out two fields with basic information about themselves and the state they live in. Users are then redirected to a page on HealthCare.gov that continues with the insurance finder process based on the information provided.

Share thoughts and ideas with other members of the HealthCare.gov network.

Learn more about what the Affordable Care Act means for individuals, families, or small businesses.

Stay informed with new blog posts and webchats.

To join HealthCare.gov on Facebook visit http://www.facebook.com/Healthcare.gov, and click the “Like” button at the top of the page."

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dropbox Update

I just read an article on CNET that notes that Dropbox, cloud computing file storage is now available for the Blackberry (http://download.cnet.com/8301-2007_4-20017270-12.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=iPadAtlas).  I first learned about Dropbox from Martha - then afterwards realized that so many other colleagues  have been using it.  I am sure that I have mentioned the app previously, because it is amazing that first 2 GB of storage are free.

Dropbox has a social media feature which provides the ability to share files with others.  As examples, I have a shared folder with my husband - anything that we want to share with each other are in that folder.  I have another shared folder with the Walden University student that I am mentoring.  She is applying learning about data analysis using Excel and Access. 

The most amazing feature about Dropbox is that it is available on my iPhone, iPad, Mac, and PC computers.  That is not true for iWorks ($99) or Office Live Skydrive (25 GB free strorage with purchase of Office 2007 & 2010).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Georgia Nurses Association (GNA) Informatics Chapter

Last evening, I had the opportunity to attend the first meeting of the GNA Informatics chapter at a reception held by Roy Simpson at his beautiful home in Atlanta.  I met many new colleagues from Atlanta, Athens, Woodstock, Snellville, and more.  I also had the opportunity to see recent GCSU informatics grads - Omega and Micheline and visit with some of their mentors, Regina and Beth. 

Roy conducted a great organizational meeting.  We formulated committees and decided to meet every other month - using webinar software (on a rotating basis, donated by one of our organizations).

Please spread the word about this chapter in Georgia.  For more information, go to the GNA website at http://www.georgianurses.org/.

eMail Merge

eMail merge is an amazing productive feature that I first discovered using Office 2007, but I cannot replicate the procedure on the Mac.  A colleague, who is a Mac user, asked about how she could send out 50+ emails efficiently.  Unfortunately, I could not find the feature on the Mac in either Office 2008 or Pages :(

eMail merge is available in Office 2010 and 2007.  It is easiest to first create a file (it can be a Excel spreadsheet, Word table, or Access table) with column headers with data that is appropriate for the email. For example, FirstName, LastName, email, Event, Date.  Although you can save that file in a place of your choice, I recommend that you save the file in the folder, My Data Sources.

Switch to Microsoft Word.  Write the email.  Note, you can use digital stationary to format your email professionally.  Do the following:
  • Select the data source
  • Select the recipients from the data source (all are selected by default)
  • Write the email including any merge fields that are needed
  • Preview the email results
  • Click on Finish and Merge and select > Send email messages
Each recipient will receive the personalized copy of the email.  This process can be used with any standard email that you send to more than one person, for example, it can be used to send flyers to several hundred others. It is a powerful, efficient way to communicate information with others.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

iTunes and Podcasts

One thing I understand about teaching is that the teacher is always a learner.  I am facilitating a Faculty Development Workshop while also participating as a learner.  Last week we introduced podcasting as a multimedia teaching/learning activity.  I am very much a novice when it comes to podcasting, so I worked at applying new learning presented by Drs. White and Isaac!

I spent several hours last weekend learning how to use Keynote (PowerPoint equivalent on the Mac OS) and GarageBand.  I STILL don't know if I was most efficient in the process.  Fortunately, there are multiple tutorials for both apps.  I watched all of the Keynote video tutorials and some of them several times.  Next, I listened to the Garageband tutorial on creating podcasts.

Using the old fashioned trial and error approach, I created my first podcasting video with Mac apps. Afterwards, I uploaded the podcast to the Georgia College podcasting server.  Finally, I opened iTunes and subscribed to the podcast.

If you don't have iTunes on your computer, consider downloading it.  There are hundreds of video and audio podcasts available. Many educational podcasts are free and available through iTunes University.

If you have a moment, consider subscribing to one or more podcasts of your interest.  To subscribe, click on Advanced in the iTunes menu > Subscribe to podcast.  Enter the channel address of the podcast.

You are welcome to experiment with the podcast I created about how to edit citations in Zotero (personal bibliographic manager)  that were imported using the Proquest library database. The channel address is:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

iPad apps for school

TCGeeks has listed 10 iPad apps for school.  Several caught my attention (didn't see any that were free, though).  http://www.tcgeeks.com/10-ipad-apps-you-dont-want-to-go-to-school-without/
  • iStudiez Pro is a calendar for school that allows you to keep up with assignments and multiple classes.  This would be a great app for students and teachers. The cost is $2.99.
  • Auditorium Notes is another great app!  It allows you to type and record notes.  It costs $5.99, but it might be worth it.